For Agents

Remine Pro

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Key Features

  • Predictive Analytics

    Streamline your focus by leveraging Remine's proprietary Buy Score and Sell Score to identify the most promising leads.

  • Property Owner & Lead Contact Information

    Unlock your prospecting potential with Remine, your ultimate tool for accessing property owner and associated person contact information.

  • Streamlined Tax Data

    Easily find all the information you need on one platform and view tax and property data on a single page.

Prospect Smarter

With Remine, you can easily identify individuals who are most likely to list their home or make a purchase. We utilize data intelligence to provide you with better prospects, enabling you to make the most informed decisions. Anyone can sell you data, but we go above and beyond by offering you intelligence.

Prospect Smarter
Detailed Data Points

Gain access to extensive public record, tax, and consumer data all in one convenient and interactive platform. Explore property records, transaction history, and mortgage details to make more informed decisions.

Detailed Data Points

Can't find your MLS? Contact our sales team to secure your spot on the waitlist.

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